Creative cap design & trend-right jacket offerings keep your business ahead of the game.
By Paul Sabatini, Marketing Support
Looking to expand your business? Start decorating caps.
When decorating caps, look to customize and be creative with the position and placement of the graphics on the cap. Consider placing the logo off-center, making it extra large, running it across the brim or making the font a bold color so that it pops. Custom headwear is a great opportunity for unconventional designs and placement. Or, what about decorating the underside of the brim, back strap, side panel or angle the graphic from the side to the front.
Also, you can increase your profits with value-added items like player names, numbers, graduation years, nick names, or secondary logos. These would take seconds to apply, but could draw an additional $5 per cap, in retail pricing.
Want to know which types of jackets your customers will be asking for? Here are two of the hottest jacket trends to consider in your product/decorating offerings.
All-season jackets. Three in-one jackets remain the most sought after jacket because you can use them throughout the entire year.
Soft shell jackets. Extremely fashion oriented, completely versatile, with most being lightweight and water resistant.
Eco-friendly jackets. Environmentally friendly jackets will show your buyers that you are eco-conscious.
Editor’s Note: ASI recently hosted a webinar on how to be an “Eco Apparel Selling Expert”, in which they explain the certifications and standards for recycled materials, organic fibers and more. You can watch it here.
And, if you’ve never worked with caps before, check out these two cap application videos from Josh Ellsworth.