By Courtney Matlick, CAD-CUT Direct
As apparel decorators, we love being able to offer unique mixed media designs to customers. A little glitter or foil added to a design can really give it that something extra to make it a fashionable, one-of-a kind look. Unfortunately, with those special effects there is a trade off of time and labor. For two-color designs using two different materials, you have to double the labor time it takes to heat press the materials at different times and temperatures, not to mention the time spent waiting for heat press to change temperature for the varying materials.
Luckily, we took this decorating problem into consideration during our quest to find the Ultimate Heat Transfer Material. With CAD-CUT Premium Plus, the application is flexible, so you are able to heat apply at a range of temperatures. We’ll show you how we used this neat little feature to save time in creating a mixed media design with CAD-CUT Glitter Flake. How else do you plan to use Premium Plus’s flexible application in your shop?
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