Part 4 of 5: Project Photo Shoot
by Cara Cherry, Public Relations & Advertising

Meet Taylor. Beautiful and smart, Taylor is a High School Senior. She is also currently serving as Miss West Michigan’s Outstanding Teen through the Miss America Organization for 2010. Of course, her beauty queen smile is initially what drew us to her, but there is more to Taylor than meets the eye. She is extremely driven in all aspects of her life. She believes that participating in pageants, is a great self esteem builder, and what has helped her to succeed in other areas.
Taylor is very well rounded as she participates in many extracurricular activities including Student Congress, the National Honor Society, the Science Olympiad, Young Democrats Club, and the Diversity Council. Somehow she even finds time to play tennis. Taylor hopes to have a career in Broadcasting and would like to attend the University of Michigan.
When we started to look for a high school aged girl, we looked primarily for someone that would stand out and be able to hold her own in a variety of different types of garments. Taylor modeled several lifestyle garments from our Custom Made Easy line as well as two softball uniforms and a volleyball uniform featuring Thermo-FILM® heat transfer material.
An experienced model, she has been in several runway shows and even served as a spokes-model for the Portrait Place. Taylor plans to continue participating in pageants as long as she can. Keep a watch out for this young lady, she is sure to go far.
Click here to view some of the images of Taylor.
Please contact Productions Plus the Talent Shop for information on hiring Taylor or other talented models.