In the spirit of the season Stahls’ ID Direct offers the Heat Printing Twelve Days of Christmas. We know we’re going backwards, but a countdown is much more fun than a count-up, isn’t it?
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 12 Reasons a Heat Press is Good for My Business.
He may not be the most romantic guy in the world, but he sure is wise! Besides, who needs another drummer drumming, let alone 12 more?
I’m sure he won’t mind if I share them:
12. It won’t cost me much.
11. Much like me, it’s low-maintenance.
10. The ability to print on-demand – and my customers can be quite demanding.
9. I can decorate head-to-toe and beyond. I mean hats, socks, and shoes, not hair and toenails.
8. There are almost no limitations on how many items I can decorate.
7. The ability to apply hundreds of finishes, such as full color, metallic, and rhinestones. Bling-le bells, anyone?
6. Like a slinky, it’s the most flexible method for decorating textiles.
5. The ability to offer in-store personalization services.
4. Fashion/retail goods are easy to make and offer to my customers.
3. Full color digital logos can be applied to those hard-to-print promotional items with ease. Finally, Uncle Murray can get the wallets he always wanted to promote his car wash.
2. It will open new markets for my business, like the work/safety industry.
1. There are variable uses for the heat press, from professional to craft/hobby. Say goodbye to the ironing board!
Really, the list is endless and so is the list of things you can print, but there’s no endless-eth day of Christmas. Hopefully you’ll find these 12 helpful.
Find out what my true love gave me on the eleventh day of Christmas.