FESPA 2010 is underway with thousands of visitors and so much to see!
By Stahls’ ID Blog Editor

I think there are two types of people in the garment decoration industry this week: those who are at FESPA 2010 in beautiful Munich, and those that wish they were. I’m one of the latter.
For those of you who are at FESPA this year, here’s a tidbit you may be interested in:
If you haven’t seen the new Hotronix Fusion heat press, it’s making its European debut at the show. It’s a beauty and FESPA attendees can get their hands on it for 10% off during the show! Also, this offer includes free shipping, extra platens, samples and goodies. More details are here: FESPA Attendees Get 10% Off the New Hotronix Fusion Heat Press
For those of us who are not at the show, Ted Stahl has been giving some first-hand reports from FESPA – the inside scoop and some fun photos, too. Check out both of these posts from Ted:
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words–FESPA Day 2
Also, Twitter is a fun place to keep an eye on all the chatter about FESPA 2010. Here are a few folks who have been busy Tweeting away about all of the activities:
FESPA The Official FESPA Twitter feed
FESPA_PR FESPA’s public relations team
Duncan MacOwan Conference and Event Manager at FESPA
Marcus Timson Sales and Marketing Director for FESPA
Juan Diaz Diaz Journalist with Global Print Monitor
Or, if you want to see a broad range of FESPA comments, just go to Twitter.com and search for the hashtag: #FESPA. I’ve been keeping an eye on that for the last few days and the comments and photos people are posting are great. In particular, there are some really fun photos of a car-wrap competition. (So far, I’m rooting for the Cactus Car to win!)