by Matt DeLaere, Marketing
If there’s anything I dread about the summer months, it’s weeding. Whether you’re bent over, pulling weeds by hand, or attacking the vile growths with a weed whacker (and subsequently picking tiny pieces from your hair and teeth), it’s tedious work, but it has to be done.
Imagine my dismay then, when I first used heat transfer materials and was told that I had to “weed.” When I learned what the term meant, though, I was relieved. Surely this would be much easier than the outdoor type of weeding I so despise. I was, of course, sorely mistaken. On the surface, weeding seems like a quick, easy job, but it can prove to be time-consuming and, at times, difficult. My first weeding experience had me saying, “Can I try another one?” far more often than I would have liked.
In this tip jar video, Josh Ellsworth of Stahls’ TV gives some helpful tips on making weeding easier and quicker. These tips can help you save valuable time, especially on large jobs. I certainly could have used these tips that time I weeded the design instead of the excess material…