Choosing the right heat transfer material makes the difference.
Part 1 in a 2-part series

Part 1: Sports Uniforms
During a recent CAD-CUT® Toolbox Webinar, we conducted a survey to find out what the top challenges are within the garment decoration industry. One of the common responses was that selecting the right heat transfer material for your job can be tricky.
Let’s talk sports uniforms. Consider the type of fabric you are decorating…is it a nylon jersey, polyester, or sublimated? Generally, a player’s uniform will be decorated with a team logo, a name and a number. A uniform will likely need a material tough enough for abrasive contact sports, on the court or on the field.
When decorating sports uniforms, make sure you have a material that will block dye migration, which can occur with polyester fabrics and sublimated jerseys. Many of our CAD-CUT® heat transfer materials apply to various fabrics, but for personalizing sports uniforms, we recommend three core products.
Thermo-FILM® – It’s the #1 material in the World for Athletic Apparel, it applies faster than any material and is the best at blocking dye migration.
Thermo-GRIP® – All the benefits of Thermo-FILM®, plus a special adhesive making it suitable for application to nylon jerseys and dazzle.
If you don’t have a vinyl cutter, these materials are available in pre-positioned letters and numbers, and in custom cut designs.
We know there are enough fabrics and materials in the sportswear industry to make your head spin…so we’re here to help!
For sports uniforms, you didn’t mention SuperFilm, yet that is what was recommended to me for performance baseball jerseys. Have I gone wrong?
Good morning, Lynn!
Thank you for your comments and question. You have not gone wrong. Super Film is what we recommend for many of these technical fabrics.
Coincidentally, I just saw your comment when I logged in this morning to post Part 2 in this series. And Part 2 is all about – you got it – Super Film!
Stay tuned – I’ll have the Super Film article up VERY soon!