Thank Heaven it’s 2011


by Danielle Petroskey

Happy New Year!

I wanted to say a quick hello and welcome!

My name is Danielle and I am the new editor for the Stahls’ ID Blog.  I’ve worked for the past 4 years in the Stahls’ ID Direct Customer Service department and recently transitioned into the Website Marketing department. It’s likely that I’ve spoken with some of you either on the phone or in person at one of the many tradeshows I’ve attended. You may know me by my laugh, some people think it sounds like a machine gun… and still that doesn’t stop me. <smile>  If I haven’t met you yet, I look forward to getting to know you. If we have met, say hello, I love to meet friends again.

This blog is for you.

My hope is that it becomes a community, where we all share information, where you’re comfortable to ask anything, and share your knowledge too.  Whether you’re new to the heat printing business or have been in it for years. There are no dumb questions. I like to learn as much as the next person. As they say, (whoever ‘ they’ are) the minute you stop learning is the minute you stop living. So let’s all learn something together, it sure beats the alternative.

Let’s keep the communication open. If you agree with something, great! Tell us about it. If you don’t agree or have another option or idea, great! Tell us about that too. The only way to become a community of people helping people is by keeping the communication fluid.

There are many people who contribute to this blog, for whom I am grateful, as there’s no way I could write all of the posts and such by myself. Their knowledge and experience blows me away! I’m sure you know them too, but I’ll give you a brief introduction, just in case.

By the way, most of us are Tweeters on Twitter (say that 10 times fast!), if you are too, we invite you to follow us.  If not, what are you waiting for? I promise you won’t hear what we had for breakfast.

Looking forward to a fresh, exciting, educational, and profitable new year with you!

Sharing is caring!

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