See Why UltraWeed™ is the Ultimate HTV for Your Apparel Business
It’s only been 3 weeks since the unveiling of our new go-to material, CAD-CUT® UltraWeed™ heat transfer vinyl, but the excitement is still stronger than ever. We’re thrilled you’re loving it as much as we do!
In case you missed the live launch party, UltraWeed™ is the ultimate material your apparel decorating business needs. It’s the perfect partner for any vinyl cutter, offers frustration free cutting and weeding, applies at a low temperature, and is proudly made in the USA. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? We invite you to grab a roll for yourself—we know it’ll soon become the only material you grab for everyday projects. In the meantime, check out what our happy customers are saying about this innovative HTV.
All reviews can be found in the Heat Press for Profit Facebook Group.
Jan Donley says:

“Playing with Ultraweed. Will press it tonight! Ultraweed is awesome, and it was so easy to weed!“
Jan Donley
Product used: CAD-CUT UltraWeed Greenery
Todd Tomlinson says:
I finally had a break in the action and was able to try the ultraweed that I received this week and I’m impressed!
a) Cut like a champ – I used the same settings that I do for premium plus and it cut perfectly.
b) Weeding was a breeze. My main concern was the tackiness of the carrier sheet as I do a lot of fine detail work – but not a problem. Carrier sheet tack was perfect – I had zero issues with fine detail lifting during weeding.
c) I love the 2 second tack and peel for layering. I have a couple of designs that are a pain to layer due to the complexity of the designs – any shrinkage at all and I’m in trouble. With a 2 second tack that problem disappeared. For pressing on our Stahl’s Fusion IQ on a 100% cotton I used 300 degrees, 5 second pre-press, 12 second press, hot peel. It peels like a hot knife through butter – and oh that feel….
d) The feel — we love premium plus for the soft hand and stretch. Stahl’s did an amazing job again by creating ultraweed with a super soft hand. As a screen printer I was always leery of HTV as I thought it would feel like vinyl from the 80’s — this, in my opinion has equal if not better hand than white plastisol ink. After pressing on my first garment I couldn’t feel any transition between the garment and the vinyl. Did I say super soft already?
e) Economics – 15″ rolls to the rescue. Super affordable for the quality of product and for me less waste. I tried to gang images on my 20″ rolls of premium plus but 80% of the time I’m cutting 8″ off the side as waste. With 15″ rolls – very little waste.
We love premium plus and will continue to use it in our arsenal of Stahl’s vinyl (we are a 100% Stahl’s shop), but I think we found our new goto vinyl – ultraweed!
Heat Press for Profit Facebook Group May 16, 2020
Marilyn Bohannan says:

“We used the Metallic Silver on a black Bella 3001 for a customer wanting a tone-on-tone effect! They loved it!”

Kyle Malone says:
Nehemie Lauture says:

Not that great at all. Hangs u in my plotter since yje material has more “tack” than fasion film or vinyl and honestly it is way easier to cut detail and weed Fashion film versus this stuff. Praying, praying, praying you are not about to discontinue fashion but my guess s you ae since the 15″ roll price is the same.
Give me Fashion Film over Ultraweed anyday.
Not that great at all. Hangs up in my plotter since the material has more “tack” than fashion film or vinyl and honestly it is way easier to cut detail and weed Fashion film versus this stuff. Praying, praying, praying you are not about to discontinue fashion film but my guess is you are since the 15″ roll price is the same. Give me Fashion Film over Ultraweed any day.
Hi Chad! Thanks for reading and following along with our posts! We are so sorry to hear about the material issues you are having with your plotter cutter and tackiness of the carrier. Please reach out to someone on our Quality Experience Team. They will be able to troubleshoot your issue and hopefully find a solution to what you are experiencing. Thank you!
I had a design with super small letters and wow this stuff is the best. It was so easy to weed, the lettering stayed, nothing pulled up. You have no idea how much time I saved. This is my go to vinyl now, thanks Stahl.
Chad who was having trouble I understand, that happened on my first try but once I changed my speed and force it worked like a champ. Must read how to apply the vinyl according to the directions for your plotter. Believe me I had tiny tiny lettering, and it worked great, again thanks Stahl.
Linda, I am so happy to hear this! I am glad you love UW as much as we do 🙂 Time savers are always the best!
Not a fan of the ultraweed. I have cut 2 different designs with 2 different colors of ultraweed and both have had snags in the design when trying to weed. I have changed settings trying to make it work but have yet to have any success! 1 of the designs I also cut in fashion film and had no problems. Fashion film has always worked great for me. Please don’t do away with Fashion Film. I have to cut a lot of designs for 6 different high school athletic programs and ultraweed is not working for me.
Hi Elissa, I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with Ultraweed. What settings have you tried with your cutter so far?
So far so good, but I have one issue. When I cut my distressed designs, I can’t see the lines. That’s a problem. Ha! Are there any tips or tricks? It does weed beautifully. I did have to work on the settings, the one on the site didn’t work for my cameo.
Hi Tamra! The only thing we could suggest right now would be to test the material with a slightly higher force. If you can’t see the cut lines, the blade may not be cutting deep enough. If you are still having issues, definitely email our quality experience team and they should be able to walk you through additional questions!
qque resistencia tienen en los lavado
Hola Angel! CAD-CUT® UltraWeed™ se prueba para durar 50 ciclos de lavado. Gracias para leer!