Stahls' Blog

Get Into the Game with Team Sets

by Paul Sabatini, Marketing

Keep your heat press in the game and add to your product lineup – get started in sports uniform decoration! Pre-cut number Team Sets are a fast, easy, and cost-effective method of personalizing team uniforms. You’ll have no screens to burn, no mess to clean up, and you can order one Team Set per team so you will not need to have inventory.

Team Sets are great for recreational leagues with soccer, baseball, softball, and hockey. You will be able to consecutively number jerseys from 1-20 and apply in seconds with the #1 athletic material Thermo-FILM®… just pick it, place it, press it, and your uniform is created.

With the sports mentioned above you will generally have 15-20 players on a team. Recreational leagues number the jerseys in numerical order with the smallest jersey size starting with #1, except with hockey as in most cases this number would be provided in a goalie-size jersey. Simply choose “Teampack” when ordering your pre-cut numbers and you’ll be able to number a uniform for as little as 80 cents (based on 8” Varsity Thermo-FILM). With this cost-effective option you will still be able to compete with a bid and turn a profit on the job as well.

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