Stahls' Blog

Which Full Color Transfer is Best for Your Project?

dtf vs screen print vs htv

DTF, HTV, and screen printing, oh my! The difference between all these apparel decoration methods can be overwhelming to new and even established decorators, especially when you’re doing a full-color design. While all of these methods have multi-color capabilities, each has their own benefits and limitations. Understanding DTF vs screen print vs HTV and when to use each decoration method will help you save you time, money, and achieve the desired results.

Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV)

Heat transfer vinyl involves the use of a vinyl cutter to cut a design into the roll of vinyl, weeding the excess material, and applying with a heat press. Regular heat transfer vinyl comes in a variety of colors and finishes, and some can be layered on each other to create multi-color looks.

For full-color looks, a print/cut system can be used to print full-color designs onto printable HTV. Printable HTV also comes in a variety of finishes and textures, including glitter, gloss, twill, or iridescent. Printable HTV generally applies to cotton, polyester, or tri-blends, however some types can also apply to other fabrics such as nylon, neoprene, or leather.

Benefits of HTV:

Limitations of HTV:

Screen Printed Transfers

Screen printing involved the process of burning screens for each color within a design and using plastisol ink to transfer the design onto the garment. Using a similar process, screen printed transfers are printed onto a carrier that is then used to heat press onto the garment.

Screen printing is different than printable HTV and DTF because you are limited by the number of colors you can include in a design.

Benefits of Screen Printed Transfers:

Limitations of Screen Printed Transfers

Direct to Film (DTF) Transfers

Direct to Film (DTF) transfers are the industry’s latest and greatest full-color decorating solution. Using water soluble inks, these transfers are printed directly onto a PET carrier and backed with adhesive. Compared to heat transfer vinyl (HTV) or screen printing/ screen printed transfers, DTF transfers don’t require any weeding or burning of screens. This makes them a great option for small logos or designs that have intricate details.

Another advantage of DTF over screen printing is that there are no color limitations. Each design can have an unlimited number of colors, including gradients.

Benefits of DTF:

Limitations of DTF:

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