Stahls' Blog

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Submitted by Bruce Weiandt, GroupeSTAHL Sales Alliance representing DC,DE,MD,NC,VA,WV

Stadium Seat
Stadium Seat with Team Perfect Applied with a Heat Press

It’s that time of year again! High School Football is underway. Something to keep in mind for this time of year is  jacket and sweatshirt sales. With more comfortable temperatures and the colors about to change, Fall can be one of the best times of the year!

But…it can play a trick on us. For most of the country, we can walk around in T-shirts during the day but once night falls, the temperature plummets. If you like to attend high school football games, it can make for a long night and take the fun out of the game if you forget to bring a jacket.

For any of you who are like me, and found yourself without enough threads a time or two, you would agree that purchasing a new sweatshirt or jacket would be a welcomed option.

Do the high schools that you sell to sell clothing or promotional items at sports events? This can be a real money maker for the school and its teams while keeping those of us who are unprepared warm! Not only that, the game is the very best environment for buying. It’s a lot easier to sell when people are ready to buy! Parents and students are excited and ready to cheer their team on. It can feel like something of a celebration. A garment can also serve as a memento of the occasion. Parents and fans want their school, team, or player’s name emblazoned across their garments, blankets or stadium seats to show their pride.

No matter which pro or college game you go to, there is merchandise for sale. And for good reason, there is big money in merchandise. Though, this is often not the case at the high school level. Why not? Encourage your schools to sell merchandise at the concession stand. If they will allow you, see if you can set up a heat press at the game, for on-demand personalization of spirit wear.  It’s a fun and profitable endeavor, and another way to keep you warm at the game.

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